A Special Galilee Protocol For Our Time
Today's Galilee Protocol Would Be...
Is there today a ready group large enough to start the ball rolling with the Galilee Protocol? I wonder.
In America we need to target our cities with a special Galilee Protocol geared to our time. Such a protocol must be patterned after the work of Christ when He walked in Galilee. And today's Galilee Protocol must build upon the principles of the great models of yesteryear—while adapting to our world right now.
Such a protocol would be some kind of domestic synthesis of Christ's work, the mission of the 12 disciples, the 70, and the Early Christian Church. It would share the principle characteristics of the Adventist models: the Australian pattern, the San Francisco pattern, Company Evangelism, Maranatha International, and Adventist Frontier Missions. It would be a visionary missionary movement aimed squarely at America's largest and most sinful cities.
Such a protocol would make it possible for all to participate who catch the vision and desire to labor. Adventists young people from our schools, and members of all ages from our churches, should be trained to work variously-sized blocks of time, plugged into well-organized, short-term city mission campaigns.
Today's Galilee Protocol would follow Christ's financial model—a characteristically non-commercial effort relying upon the homes, food, and hospitality of friendly partners wherever God calls us to labor for Him.
Today's Galilee Protocol would have small training teams working with interested schools and churches to prepare students and church members for medical missionary work.
Near the close of short six-month city blitzes, today's Galilee Protocol would conduct short campmeetings-style efforts just ourside the cities. In rural setting—by some lake, or in a mountain retreat, or even in a desert place, interested contacts should be called away from the hustle and bustle of city life to reinforce what they have learned and to hear a concluding series of presentations proclaiming the warning of the three-angels with much love but “borne so decidedly as to startle the hearers.” -Evangelism, page 169.
Everything should be calculated—in today's Galilee Protocol—to clearly present (by word and by selfless service) Christ, the selfless friend of sinners—mankind's redeeming friend; Christ, willing and able to save to the uttermost both body and soul; and Christ, the righteous judge—unwilling to compromise with wickedness. The world is to be warned that God's judgments are about to fall upon the guilty, and cities must be told that God's wrath will fall on them first.
The trumpets of the three angels would clearly sound in today's Galilee Protocol. The world would be brought to test in the three areas of reform: body, mind and soul—and concerning worship, education and health reform.
Today's Galilee Protocol would plan to make a substantial and notable impact—seen and heard across the country in less then four years time. It would anticipate that by using Christ's special method for working the cities, medical missionaries will attract—by divine providence—national attention (see Great Controversy, page 606, 607). They will “[set into] operation a mighty movement such as we have not yet witnessed.” -Medical Ministry, page 304.
Today's Galilee Protocol would be a living, breathing movement—one led by Christ through the Holy Spirit. Such a movement would grow exponentially. “We [would] see the medical missionary work broadening and deepening at every point of its progress, because of the inflowing of hundreds and thousands of streams, until the whole earth is covered as the waters cover the sea.” -Medical Ministry, page 317.
Today's Galilee Protocol could... Today's Galilee Protocol should... Today's Galilee Protocol would... If... If only...
Said the prophet, “I was shown God’s people waiting for some change to take place,—a compelling power to take hold of them. But they will be disappointed, for they are wrong. They must act; they must take hold of the work themselves. The scenes which are passing before us are of sufficient magnitude to cause us to arouse, and urge the truth home to the hearts of all who will listen. The harvest of the earth is nearly ripe.” -1 Testimonies, page 261.